BackCap Project

CO2 Capture from back-up coal power plants using Ca(OH)2

This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No 101034000. The BackCap project aims to develop a new process to capture CO2 from amortized coal-based power plants, retrofitted for back-up power provision in highly renewable electricity networks, while supplying CO2 for use or storage. To address the escalation of CO2 capture cost in such low capacity factor system, BackCap uses compact carbonators using Ca(OH)2 as sorbent for CO2 capture during the brief power production periods. The resulting CaCO3 will be stored and used as a steady source of CO2 and CaO by oxy-fuel calcination.  The project will investigate gas-solid reaction rates under relevant conditions, test reactor designs (TRL4-5) and develop process models for techno-economic studies.



Back-up power provision to address the problem of the intermittency of renewable power producers. Power plants combusting carbonaceous fuels (including coal when fired in amortized coal power plants) can obviously provide such a service, as they are doing already in countries with relevant penetration of renewables.

Decarbonisation of such carbon-based back-up power services. This is not needed today, however, the decarbonisation of these services will be compulsory to reach 100% decarbonisation targets required by industrialized countries in future.

Steady supply of CO2 to synthetic fuel plants or to permanent CO2 storage sites, while capturing the CO2 from highly dynamic and intermittent back-up power plants.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) Under grant agreement No 101034000

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Dr. Borja Arias
CO2 Capture group, Carbon Science and Technology Institute (INCAR – CSIC)
C/ Francisco Pintado Fe, 26, 33011 OVIEDO, Spain